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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Disclosure Document (Due 8/26/16)

Disclosure Document:

Miss M. Jenkins
8th Grade US History

United States History I
Welcome to the U.S. History course for this school year! This year, students will learn about key ideas, events, and people that shaped our country. Some highlights will include the discovery of America, the American Revolution, the formation of the US Government, Westward Expansion, and the Civil War.

Students will learn essential elements of U.S. History as outlined in the Utah State standards for Social Studies.
Students will learn how to use primary and secondary sources to identify who, what, when, where, and why things happened throughout the history of the United States.
Students will find relevance in historical events by relating them to today’s current events.
Students will learn work habits such as organization, study, preparation and appropriate behavior,
that will help prepare them to succeed in the ‘real world’.

Class Rules:
Successful learning takes place in a safe environment where behavior is appropriate and self-regulated. My rules are fairly basic but are absolutely necessary to creating an environment where students will feel safe learning and sharing ideas.
  1. No Cell Phones. All cell phones must be out of sight, out of sound for the ENTIRE duration of the class.
  2. All items under desk. At the beginning of class, students will place all items under their desks except for a pencil/pen and their US History Binder.
  3. Communicate with Respect.. Swearing and inappropriate communication will not be tolerated. Raise your hand when answering questions, asking questions, or commenting in class.
  4. No bullying. Taunting, name calling, or making fun of other students in the class, even if you are ‘joking around’ will not be tolerated.
Consequences: Students will receive 1 verbal warning. On 2nd warning, I will take away phones/items and ask student to meet with me after class so we can arrange an appropriate consequence. On the 3rd warning, student will be excused from class for the duration of the class

Grading: Grades will be determined based on the following scale:
      93-100% = A                 80-82.99% = B-              66.99-67% = D+
         90-92.99%   = A-                77-79.99% = C+             63-66.99% = D
         87-89.99%   = B+               73-76.99% = C               60-62.99% = D-
         83-86.99%   = B                 70-72.99% = C-              Below 59.99% = F

Materials Needed:
  1. Binder (As simple as a small, plastic 3-ring). $2.00 at Walmart
  2. Spiral bound notebook to go in binder. $0.17 at Walmart
  3. Spiral bound notebook or sheets of lined, loose-leaf paper to go in binder for class notes.
  4. Small folder to go in binder for any loose-leaf papers and assignments. $0.25 at Walmart
  5. Pencil/Pen
If you are unable to provide these materials for your student, please contact me and we will make some arrangements.

Absent: If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to contact me about the work you missed. A good place to start is the class website: I have a created this class blog for students to visit on their own time. It will contain the daily journal prompts, a brief outline of each day’s notes, and any quizzes or assignments. The blog will only be updated on Fridays so that students can visit the blog to get caught up over the weekend..

Late Work: Students will be able to make up late work. If the absence is excused, assignments can be turned in for full points up to 2 weeks after the absence. Late work for an unexcused absence will automatically be docked 30% and will be accepted only up to 2 weeks after the absence..

Contact Info: My information is listed at the top of this page. Feel free to email me or schedule a time to come in and talk with me.

Please sign below acknowledging you have read and will abide by the information provided in this document. Students, please return this paper by Friday, August 26th. It is worth 5 points!

I have read the Disclosure Document and accept the given class requirements for Miss Jenkins’ U.S. History Class.

Student Name ________________________  Class Period ___________________

Student Signature _______________________ Date ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________ Date ____________

Parent/Guardian E-Mail ___________________________